Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Homemade Bacon Vodka?

While wine tasting one Saturday at The Gourmet Shop in Columbia, SC's 5 Points, I learned of a new bacon-infused vodka on the market. At first the thought of drinking this made me think of grease, gagging, and that jar full of congealed fat scrappings some people keep next to the stove, all of which are completely repulsive. However, after hearing more from Brian (Gourmet Shop's wine expert) and his recipe for using bacon-infused vodka in a bloody mary, I decided this was a drink I should try atleast once.
Sadly, Bakon Vodka, a Seattle-based company, does not yet distribute in the Carolinas. Happily, I have relatives that just happened to be traveling to Seattle in the next few weeks! While researching this liquor online for info to pass along to my now most favorite of relatives, I came across Brownie Points's blog on how to make homemade bacon vodka!

While I am still a little skeptical, the thought of drinking that mind-blowingly amazing bloody mary tempts me to give it a go. I am posting the recipe below for my fellow curious connoisseurs of food combo oddities. After all, you can always put it in a diffuser and spritz it on salads or maybe even behind your ears--that would definitely make for one interesting trip to the hardware store, football game, or other mostly male-populated location!

Bacon Vodka

makes up one pint

Fry up three strips of bacon.
Add cooked bacon to a clean pint sized mason jar. Trim the ends of the bacon if they are too tall to fit in the jar. Or you could go hog wild and just pile in a bunch of fried up bacon scraps. Optional: add crushed black peppercorns.
Fill the jar up with vodka. Cap and place in a dark cupboard for at least three weeks. That’s right- I didn’t refrigerate it.
At the end of the three week resting period, place the bacon vodka in the freezer to solidify the fats. Strain out the fats through a coffee filter to yield a clear filtered pale yellow bacon vodka.

Decant into decorative bottles and enjoy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So funny! You can tell you are a southern gal with "fry up" the bacon! The recipe is intriguing and I am thinking of how many different ways there are to adapt it to different ingredients!